Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Galway Express, July 11th 1885

In refernce to the Loughrea Attymon Light Railway

We understand that the above is the only project, under the Tramways' Act, 1888, that will come before the Grand Jury for the County of Galway, at the present Summer Assisses. The Estimate lodged for the construction and equipment of the line, which is only nine miles in length, is £62,403 6s. 4d., and on which the promoters seek for a guarantee of 5 per cent. per annum. On a former occasion promoters offered to construct this same line for £42,000, and only sought for a guarantee of 4 per cent. per annum. The Grand Jury on that occasion passed the presentment conditional on the Midland Great Western Railway Company paying the difference between the narrow guage, which the estimate was for, and the Standard Irish Guage, but as the promoters and the Directors of the Midland Great Western Company did not agree to terms, the presentment necessarily fell through. We are informed that now, however, the Directors of the Midland Great Western Railway have undertaken to pay portion of the cost of the construction of this line, the portion of the £62,403 6s. 4d., to be paid by the Midland Great Western Railway Company, is not yet stated, but we hardly suspect the Grand Jury will pass a presentment for a larger guarantee than £42,000, at 4 per cent.

Article located at the Galway Library

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