Monday, August 18, 2008

Galway to Fight Rail Cut Plan-Connacht Tribune 29/08/1975

Connacht Tribune - Friday, 29 August, 1975 Page 1

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Ad taken from Irish News Articles [Connacht Tribune]

Dáil Éireann - Volume 256 - 09 November, 1971- Rail Transport Statistics

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Rail Transport Statistics.

10. Dr. O'Donovan asked the Minister for Transport and Power the names and locations of passenger stations having an annual revenue of less than £10,000.

Mr. B. Lenihan: The reply is in the form of a tabular statement which, with your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to circulate in the Official Report.

LIST of locations open for regular passenger train services with revenue of less than £10,000 in year ended 31st March, 1970.

This list included Attymon, Dunsandle & Loughrea.


11. Dr. O'Donovan asked the Minister for Transport and Power the names and locations of wagon-load stations which handle less than 1,000 wagons per annum.

Mr. B. Lenihan: The reply is in the form of a tabular statement which, with your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to circulate in the Official Report.
LIST of locations open for wagon-load traffic which handled less than 1,000 wagons in year ended 31st December, 1968.

This list included Attymon, Dunsandle & Loughrea.


13. Dr. O'Donovan asked the Minister for Transport and Power if he will give details of the passenger lines which carry less than 35,000 passengers per annum; and the annual passenger numbers in each case.

Mr. B. Lenihan: The reply is in the form of a tabular statement which, with your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to circulate in the Official Report.
Following is the statement:
LIST of passenger sections of line with less than 35,000 passengers per annum, per week-day and Sunday schedules timetable trains in year ended 31st December, 1970.

Section of Line Estimated number of passengers

Limerick/Claremorris 23,500
Ballina Branch 19,000
Loughrea Branch 23,400